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For the record, consumables are extremely expensive this seed. Good thing so many enemies drop food, isn't it?

Anyway, Salamander bought. He's also added Dark Rift and Piercing Beam to his stock, but I can only afford one so I grab Dark Rift (since I remember Piercing Beam being awkward to use too).

Anyway, my first destination for the update is Nation of Fools; I remember that first portrait I found in Haze needs pushing, and it's probably not in there so go somewhere I can actually clear first and only search for the item I need in the location I need it as a last resort.

First thing's first: Get the entrance warp. That part always gives me issues in the circus-themed portraits, mostly because they're the only ones where they aren't the only exit from the room you start in.

And yes, I'm gonna be using the owl a lot here; in vanilla you're expected to have double-jump by now, and the terrain is designed accordingly. I, unfortunately, do not have the double-jump yet.

Anyway, HP boost.

The Skeleton Gunmen in this room are another monster with a habit of knocking you back out regardless of their damage; thankfully it takes a while for them to fire, so that only happens if you're not paying attention (disclaimer: I wasn't paying attention the first time I came in here).

Anyway, this thing's a bit weak, and I'm not impressed with its "damage restores MP" effect I had to look up because it rolled an extra effect either.

I'm more interested in this, to be honest. Not just because it's a new subweapon to practice, but because it's a legitimately useful one.

Not useful in the slightest.

And this is worse than that.

...This thing's an utter joke. One of the worse attack animations, in vanilla only saved by being on the longest-ranged melee weapon, here given to a fist weapon. I'm sure it could get worse, but I don't know how and I really don't want to.

And another on the pile of worthless equipment. (Side note: I hate Crossbow Armor- its shots do completely disproportionate damage in a ludicrous radius.)

I started with one of these.

More trash armor.

Well, it's lucky... about the only thing I can say about it.

Killer Dolls drop rags...

...and boomerang Tori. For the record, I didn't screenshot the first of these I got because I forgot I hadn't seen the dolls yet. But hey, at least this looks like a more credible weapon than the whip-punch!

Another new subweapon to practice later.

Not impressive, but at least it makes more sense than the Sword That Swings Backwards.

As you may have noticed, I needed this HP boost (which conveniently comes with a full HP heal) pretty badly for like half the east quadrant.


Skelerangs drop food, which is at least potentially useful, unlike all the equipment I'm finding.

This is a subweapon I won't need to practice, thankfully. I tried it and was thoroughly underwhelmed.

Another HP boost, this one much less desperately needed, as I start the left quadrant.

Useless drop from the unspellable Egyptian sand golem thing.

Well, it's not really a double-jump, but at least I won't need to owl for something ever-so-slightly above my jump height anymore. Progress!

This is rotten and thus literal garbage.

Wrong mode, not even useful.

This, on the other hand, has some niche uses, and is also reasonably easy to use.

A Great Ghost I run into just when I make a full loop around the outside drops a worthless axe...

...and another of Maria's subweapons.

And now that I've made a full loop, it's time to save and end the update (outside the shop, for the first time this run!). Convenient timing!