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Welcome to the Forest. Of Doom. Frankly, I'm using endgame characters, so I doubt there'll be much "doom" here for me, but whatever- that's the name.

Not a single notable enemy yet, but breaking a bit of the floor here does give me... ugh, yet another co-op. STOP IT!

Random sack of cash up here.

Well, that's one of the few things I could find less useful than a buff spell: A second copy of a buff spell I already have.

Just as worthless as Jonathan's other stances.

Ring a bell to open a shortcut back real quick, then explore it just for map completion (I mentioned before that I'm a perfectionist, right?) before moving on.

No, Jonathan is not allowed to use these either this seed. He's stuck being the slow one.

MP boost, as is traditional.

As well as the also-traditional useless weapons.

Sorry, but Str alone does not a strong weapon make. Literally everything else ruins you.

This is why I needed the push upgrades to come here, by the way. This thing won't budge without them.

False ceiling in a dark tunnel guarded by two Flying Armors? Gotta be irredeemable trash in it.

Another subweapon (this one at least is usable), another bell to ring for a shortcut.

Lucky, has a resistance, and usable by both, but not much real reason to use it.

This guy's a pest because of where his hitbox is. No, it's not the obvious head right in front of me when I start the fight; it's actually the frog head up on the tail. Other than that bit of bait-and-switch Dagon here has nothing going for him. In fact, he spends more of the fight jumping from side to side than actually fighting!

Anyway, the Long Sword makes short work of him due to rolling weaknesses to both Strike and Fire. I almost forgot about it, to be perfectly honest.

Not much of a reward, but I did, at least, get rewarded; that's more than I can say for a lot of bosses.

After a quick grind session to work on the Crossbow (unfortunately, the Skeleton Farmer's too short to hit with it, so I need to improvise with the nearby Ruler's Sword), it's back to the castle to finish exploring (since the only painting I haven't full-cleared by now is the bonus dungeon, which is, as mentioned, impossible to clear in enemy rando).

Yes, stat boosters are so common in this randomizer that they are literally coming out of the walls.

No, you can't use Sanctuary to skip this fight; I tried in my test run. You can only do that when you fight both of the Sisters at the same time.

Nightmare makes a decent substitute here, though; Stella's weak to Holy.

I have no idea what Charlotte's talking about on the left, but that Cog I picked up... wherever it was opens that gate. (Incidentally, Charlotte ends that scene by introducing herself to Jonathan. You'd think they'd know each other by now...)

Immediately on the other side of that gate is the place I mentioned I could use the "stay" command for: You can't use these motorcycles unless both characters are standing on them at the same time. As for why you'd want to... there's a wall on the other side of this (extremely long) hallway that you can only remove by riding both of them to the end. And yes, there are obstacles whose sole purpose is to push you off and force you to start over again; it's really annoying- there isn't even any reason to have obstacles in this hallway other than to force players to redo this sequence.

No, you don't need to match colors to get them started; I just felt like it.

Also, there's a false ceiling that leads to... garbage.

Some sort of water-based mechanism here. Is this some sort of clock thing?

Summoning spell through a breakable wall in that water doohickey.

Oh, it's a water mill. We probably don't want to know what, precisely, is being milled in a vampire's castle, though.

Well, the stats're nice, but unfortunately it's no Healing Mail.

And even more MP at the top of the mill.

And the clock tower side of this area (yes, this is technically the Clock Tower section traditional in Castlevania games) has some food in a spiked niche.

And yet another hard-to-use subweapon which will be taken to the desert farmer to grind. At least the Ghost and Crow are easy to use...

...Hm. I might use this.

One last booster to close the update out. If none of the adjacent rooms are save rooms I'm backtracking.

No, there was only one other adjacent room to that MP boost, and clearly it wasn't a save room, so I backtracked.

I'll finish up this area (and potentially the game) next time.