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Knot of Rosary Rope

Lore posted:

Engracia was her name. Her rosaries were the prettiest of all Cvstodia. The most prestigious priests and bishops frequented her workshop, and even our very Holiness Escribar commissioned her. Such was her mastery that a rosary crafted by old Engracia was unparalleled in beauty, delicacy and perfection. Word spread that a rosary that was not made by her would not receive divine blessing, and prayers would not be heard, and besides, that would be a sin. This caused all the others to become banned by the Holy Mother Church, and those so-called false rosaries were sought, and burned. Someone who kept a deceitful rosary would be severely punished, sometimes even accused of heresy. Then we all began to wonder what would become of the rosaries when Engracia was no longer with us.