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The Source and the Solution

Now… where were we?


Ah, that's right. Our hero glimpsed at the origin of itself, and became aware of the underlying stream which pulls them into all things.

It's been with them since the very beginning. Invisible. Unknowable. And yet, unquestionably connected to the entire endeavor. Once they become aware of it, they can't ever stop seeing it. And while they cannot see what it is doing…

They can tell that something is being done. That's the position we found ourselves in as well. And so, we did everything we could to plumb the depths of that origin.

To understand what it was that the origin could do. What it could change, and how it might affect the plight of the human. To learn how to interact with that origin…

Until, without truly seeing what we could do, we found the key to cut off the loop that has us all trapped. The way out of the death spiral of this world brought on by the disease of the mind.

And now, with the key to breaking free from the disease in hand, we are able to seize control of the stage and let our own music play.

And so, our hero frees themselves from the cycle.

By embracing themself, they are able to gain access to all the things the very nature of their society has denied them. The benefits that were hoarded by those who have control of everything now fall where they should have belonged: into the hands of our hero. Moreover, they gained the ability to travel entire leagues in the blink of an eye—given the power to travel the world as they've always wished and see everything they wanted. In retaking their humanity, our hero unlocked their untapped potential, all thanks to the strength their conviction pulls from the origin.

And that, ultimately, is what we require… and also where this Let's Play must come to a close. I've shown off everything there is to show.

You Have to Burn the Rope is a platform game for Adobe Flash developed by Swedish designer Kian Bashiri under the moniker "Mazapán". It's been called a parody of the excessive hand-holding that takes place in AAA games, wherein you frequently know what you're supposed to do before you do it.

But it also shows precisely the problem and the solution to the City itself.

Humans must be able to live as humans. They must be free to live for themselves, according to their own priorities. Our duty from within the light is simply to guide them when they hesitate, whether that be Angela as she tries to find her book or Argalia as he seeks to play a grand symphony all his own.

And yet…

I know everything that is to come. The trials and tribulations that are ahead, and even the possibilities that lie at the end of the river these children are running down. I would guess that some of you know as well.

That is why when the time comes I will act in the best interests of the children who so dearly need my help. I will not ask for your forgiveness, but I hope that if nothing else you can see the dire state of the world as it stands. If nothing is done, humans have no future. Their spiral has not been ended, and the seed my colleague worked so hard to create is in a soil that may not allow it to take root.

So I will act. I will do what I must to let them all paint the world in their own colors.

Such is the right of humans.