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I know I should focus on finishing Hell, but I needed to pass by a warp room on the way to the part I hadn't done yet so why not take a little side trip to finish up the Chapel? It's not like I'm racing anyone, after all.

Not that there was anything here, though; in fact it's practically vanilla (pretty sure it's usually the Bell here).

Anyway, back to- how the hell do you pronounce this?

Doesn't look useful.

Medusa Heads give more pirate souls. Hadn't realized they haven't shown up yet until I checked and found that I hadn't maxed them yet.

...This seems strong. Whether it actually is strong depends on how it interacts with the katana animation; I'll check next time I find a room that isn't infested with demonic dandruff.

Why does it look like a knife? ...Did Julius drop the Vampire Killer or something?

...On the one hand, I already have this. On the other, that spear does, in fact, actually attack with this animation, so I don't have to worry about that Sword of Attacking Backwards BS.

Found my way back to this spear. I toldja it'd suck.

Done in Hell, can't go any deeper yet, and I have no idea how to out-of-logic my way through that passage back to the entrance, so off to somewhere new, namely the Condemned Tower (not to be confused with the Clock Tower).

Oh, and that guy whose name I can't pronounce is here, and he gives me the power of arson.

And a stand on the other side gives me a giant pile of starfish. Doesn't seem useful.

...Okay then.

I kinda freaked when I saw this Disc Armor, but turns out it doesn't seem to ever actually throw its disc unless it's on a slope. Anyway, it gives me the power to hover; nothing flashy.

It also gives me yet another in the long string of useless defensive accessories that're outclassed by something I literally started the game with.

A guy with an excessively huge axe gives the power of luck. That's... not what you'd expect.

The grapes are at least somewhat more reasonable, though; after all, you gotta eat something, and being eaten is literally the entire point of grapes.

This thing I found over him is almost comically bad.

Mr. Overcompensation also drops an incredibly crappy sword.

...yes, I did get the Grapes after this, and yes, I put them up with the soul to save space.

Werewolves give me a better bow. I mean, it's gotta be better if it shoots itself, right?

...Yeah, that seems about right.

Gergoth's easy when you've got a strong projectile that he happens to be weak to. Especially when that projectile double-hits.

I guess he dropped a can of spray-on plaster or something?

And behind him (way up at the top of the shaft he made by breaking the floors of all the hallways in the tower) is the ability to throw things farther. This'll let me go back and do that path from Hell to the entrance... and conveniently enough, I'm right next to a warp room.

...That Potion's hardly worthwhile. Neither is the Homunculus' soul; I hardly use red souls in the first place.

Larva gives more of... whatever the hell that says up in the corner. They don't seem to infinitely spawn like in PoR, so I need to farm the old-fashioned way.

...Are you sure this is still edible?

I am sure this is bad, though.

Well that's rude. There's a spiked hallway you need to go through to get here, and there're two ways to get through logically: Combining Skeleton Ape with Puppet Master to warp from one side of a low ceiling to the other (you can't reach one of the broken spikes from the other without Ape), or this.

Iron Golems drop more Yorick souls. (Also, quick shout-out to Simply Simon for telling me what the Imp soul does; don't think I'd be able to kill them without it.)

Taking a quick side-trip from the shaft back to the entrance to pick up that Combat Knife, but turns out Heart Eaters give more Valkyrie souls.

The knife itself is surprisingly powerful, but it's still a knife, and thus incredibly short-ranged. It is a Valman-weapon, though, so it at least has that going for it.

Finally, at the end of the path back to the entrance, I find an accessory whose effects make sense. It's pretty good, too, though I'll stick to the Soul Eater Ring for now.

Take a moment to restock the Potions I used fighting those Iron Golems before looking up a safer method, and then end the update.