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Dried Clove

Lore posted:

It was not just hearsay anymore: the illness had reached Albero without warning. The outbreak and punishment of the Miracle, so often discussed, came through a young man who arrived to our small congregation full of fear, wondering what his unforgivable sin had been to receive such a condemnation.

Immaculate Bead

Lore posted:

"I have something for you, and for you alone..." revealed the gipsy to a monk who had just stopped his donkey, as she uncovered a white stone possessing a strange beauty. "It comes from the darkness of the ocean floor. Contemplate its purity, look at its immaculate white, its virgin brilliance... What could be purer than this for your rosary, brother?"

Petrified Bell

Lore posted:

Why have you chosen me? Why do I feel you in my flesh, in my skin, in my blood? Punishment, say at least one word so I can understand why you keep me prisoner between sleep and wakefulness. May my body break for you. My arms be bound for you. My eyes awaken when you call me by name. Confine me to the stone room and let the stone itself be the key that sets me free.