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...I'm honestly not sure why I'm doing this. Especially with all the settings I've turned on.

Anyway, first thing to do in any OoT seed is rob Mido. Here I get Majora Bombchus (and yes, it says Bombchu Bag, that's an option you can play with; it works about the same as the option to make Bombchus drop in Ship of Harkinian), some arrows I can't carry...

...a Majora Heart Piece, and Ruto's bottle (without needing to hunt for it for hours, even!). That last one'll be useful later. Probably a lot later, all considered, but still later.

The part of Kokiri with the boulder (y'know, where you get the Kokiri Sword in vanilla) has yet another Majora item. I swear OoT items exist in OoT!

...That's not a good sign.

I headed off to Lon Lon Ranch (without meeting Saria), and wound up searching the silo in the back to find why.

Yup, most NPCs (enemies included) don't exist in this seed until I find them as items somewhere. RIP me. And I'm guessing King Mweep is a separate pickup so I probably can't turn the Letter in yet.

...of all the NPCs to not have a soul, I have mixed feelings about you, Ingo. On the one hand, you're a pest; on the other, this explains SO MUCH...

That hole in the ground way off in the south of Hyrule Field next to the way to Lake Hylia has the other Bombchu bag. Now I should be able to start checking things I need to blow up.

Also, hints are a thing, but I'll spare you the details on that front.

Does remind me (indirectly) to check the Deku Tree entrance, though. Yes, dungeon rando is on. No, there is precisely nothing I can do here.

...and Navi is spectacularly useless in this mode. Like, could you at least tell me where the hell the Deku Tree IS instead of just telling me to go there?! Not that it'd do me much good even if I could find it, though...

Chicken-riding into Gerudo Valley gets me a stick and spawns those coffin things in the Spirit Temple.

Impa's cow cage has a shield, which will be nice once I start finding enemies to block attacks from, and the hole in the ground behind the fence has a Snowhead fairy. Yes, you can shuffle them too.

I have no idea how that kid manages to whine about my graverobbing when he doesn't even exist yet... Anyway, that's one song found! Too bad I have nothing to play it on...

I also learn that apparently Gold Skulltulas already exist, so I bombchu the one at the construction site for more Majora crap.

The spider in the tree is... very lost, apparently, while the one on the watch tower ladder just has an oddly-shaped rock.

Anyway, now that I know those guys exist, I save-warp back to Kokiri to kill one on the back of one of the houses.

Now I'll dive into the Lost Woods. Checking the nearest Business Scrub location confirms they exist too, so I go ahead and buy his skull.

There's another skull buried under the boulder near the shortcut to the Gorons.

Harassing the Scrubs next to the theater gets me the Stone Mask.

Oh, the Poe? Bottle not included, sadly.

The hole just outside the Forest Meadow yields explosives marked For Export and more enemies (which I buy primarily to feel less lonely).

My rampage continues on the Ranch, for yet another Majora heart piece and my second Snowhead Fairy.

Before diving in the hole to pester more Business Scrubs. Yes, I have, in fact, gotten enough Majora pieces of heart to get a new container before even going there, or even getting a reusable weapon.

Bombing a couple holes open in Hyrule Field. Yes, the Majora warp point unlocks are yet another thing you can shuffle.

The Scrub won't sell because my Majora wallet's full.

Might as well head off to Lake Hylia to raid the hole the owl's sitting on, right?

Yes, you can set an option to bundle up certain collectibles so you get them all at once; this applies to both keys and silver rupees. Which, obviously, you can shuffle.

Also, I can go shopping if I ever find a way into Zora's Domain now, so that's a thing.

There's A hookshot under a boulder near the castle. Now I just need two more.

Oh, right, forgot to clear out all the spiders in Kakariko. ...I'm not finding much for OoT, am I? On the bright side, though, I'm gonna be really well-equipped whenever I do go to Majora...

Not much else to do, so off to raid Zora's River.

...I wasn't expecting the bean guy to exist yet.

Anyway, this place gives some pretty good stuff- an OoT bow near the waterfall, and the hole at the top of that plateau in the center of the river gives me magic. Or, well, it will when I find my way to Majora's Mask.

There's also a spider with a bribe intended for foreign lands, or something. I dunno how to justify this.

Anyway, I may not have any useful NPCs at the Castle, but there are spiders to kill. That mask is an especially good find, since it's one of the three-ish transformation masks.

That's probably enough for now; the next thing I need to do is backdoor my way into the Goron City, but I've already got enough screenshots here.