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Chapter 4: Days of Weariness and Ill
Tamar had succeeded beyond all recognition. Georgia was well on her way to becoming another Christian bulwark in the Middle East.
Yay! We got the nickname "the Great". Tamar is actually a saint in the Georgian Orthodox Church, as the Holy Righteous King Tamar.
Not even the mighty Ayyubids were safe from her wrath, as twelve thousand Georgians descended on the emirate of Al Jazira.
Already busy with other matters, the Ayyubids can only send a small force to stop the Georgians.
I actually can't remember if the Ayybids were in trouble, but they must have been if I declared war on them.
It is not enough.
So the fair Queen Tamar died, having secured the future of George. Now her son Gabrieli must take up the throne.
Gabrieli is not as talented as his mother, but he is a competent ruler nonetheless. Brave, humble, just, and a firm believer in the faith, Gabrieli looks to continue the work his mother started.
But in the east, disturbing news come. A massive army of horsemen is tearing its way through Khiva. While many in Georgia rejoice in the destruction of the heathens, Gabrieli is more wary.
As kings go, Gabrieli is alright. Brave and Just are both excellent traits, as they not only give stat boosts, but vassal opinion boosts as well. Wish he'd gotten Midas Touched though.
He continues to add to his mother's chapel.
More disturbing news come in the form of the Duke of Alania's possession by demons and his fall into heresy. Having been raised to hate unbelivers in all forms, Gabrieli declares war to bring Alania back into the Orthodox fold.
Also I wanted the land. And yes, the Duke was possessed.
As Gabrieli battles the Georgian's longtime allies, news comes of a new Jihad to take back Jerusalem. Gabrieli is unconcerned.
Whether or not they win is no concern to us, as it doesn't affect our Moral Authority.
The main enemy army shattered, Gabrieli moves to finish the Bogomilists. Georgia is stronger than ever.
Wary of the Horde's march, Gabrieli asks for the protection of the Byzantine Empire after he defeats the Alans. The Emperor grants it.
The only way kings can sign up to vassals willingly is if they are part of the de jure empire they want to be part of.
In case you wanted to know how big we were before we signed on as a vassal, here you go.
More bad news. An earthquake rocks one of Georgia's many cities. Gabrieli is called in to inspect.
It is no mere earthquake. Something broke in the earth and a gate to hell was opened.
As King, Gabrieli is duty-bound to end this matter.
Ever the devout man, Gabrieli orders the priest to call upon the Lord's power and seal the gate.
The people watch with bated breath as the priest continues his work.
But the Lord heard their prayers and the gate was sealed.
They do not rejoice for long. The Horde comes to claim Georgia and there is nothing the Georgians can do to stop it. Gabrieli, off commanding the Emperor's armies, worries over his wife and children. Fortunately, they make it to Alania, outside of the Horde's attack.
This is what it's like to fight the Mongols. Massive deathstacks everywhere. However, we still own Taurica and Alania.
Meanwhile, another horde of infidels comes and attacks the empire. While not as numerous as the Mongols, the empire is still weak and is in little condition to fight them off.
Even adventurers like to dogpile.
Georgia, their home in ages past, is lost.
In a sickening display, the Emperor orders the celebration of the empire's survival against the Horde, even as thousands of Georgians lie dead in their occupied homeland.
Gabrieli solidifies his holdings and orders that all lands near the capital must go to the King.
It is all for naught, as the Emperor dies and the Mongols renew their attack, this time invading Armenia.
To make matters worse, a Turkish warlord invades Alania and the Georgians can barely raise an army to defend themselves.
Note: At this point I thought the game was lost and decided to play as the people occupying Georgia. However, the Georgians managed to reclaim Alania and so I switched back. Good job AI.
Alania reclaimed, Gabrieli looks over the Republic of Azov, now dominating the Black Sea trade. It is a small blessing in these trying times.
Across the Byzantine Empire, commoners and nobles alike look up to the Holy Warrior of Georgia. As for the man himself, Gabrieli believes that one day God will lead them back home. Did not Joseph rise from being a prisoner to the second most powerful man in Egypt? Did not Job gain twice as much as he lost? Even a man who has lost everything can still have faith.
Not everyone is impressed with him, however.
In an effort to lift his realm's spirit, Gabrieli holds a great feast.
He sends his marshal to find and kill the biggest boar he can and bring it to the feast.
He hires acrobats to entertain the guests.
He also hires a magician.
The very best cooks in the Byzantine Empire will be brought.
The conjurer is a great success, eliciting squeals of delight from the audience.
At the end, everyone goes home happy.
Even the most feared killers of the Middle East are unable to stop the Mongols. It only makes them angrier.
Battling a Papal army aligned with Genoan merchants, Gabrieli spots the Pope himself leading the enemy army. Filled with an incredible fury, Gabrieli launches a terrifying charge. The Pope, who dared called himself God's deputy and the protector of Christendom, had done nothing to save the lives of the Georgians. Gabrieli cuts down dozens of men in an effort to get to the Pope, but he is blocked off and the Pope escapes.
After the battle, Gabrieli reflects on what happens. He does not believe that was the anger of a righteous man, but a man wanting simple revenge. God will punish the Pope, not him.
Gabrieli receives a deep wound during a battle and the surgery is painful.
He is still a faithful man, but now he no longer has the energy. He is old and tired.
As the Mongols invade again, Gabrieli leads his personal guard into the fray. He kills over fifteen Mongols himself before being knocked off his horse. Getting up, he kills six more Mongols before being finished by a arrow to the chest. He is finally home and at rest.
Next Time: Not One Step Further