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HP: 60 | ATK: 62 | DEF: 80 | SP.ATK: 63 | SP.DEF: 80 | SPD: 60 | TOTAL: 405
Chikorita analysis

After becoming a larger plant dinosaur, Bayleef still has the same problems as its younger version, but you should be past it really, so from here, it's fairly smooth sailing. More or less. You're still pretty defensive and pretty supportive, but there are quite a few attacking options available to you. Since you're balanced with the attacking stats, you can strike from both sides pretty easily, but with Grass STAB, you'll obviously be hitting harder from the Special side. You do have an annoying long time before you get any better moves than Tackle, unless you TM it up, but you'll get a few supportive ways to make whittling down the opponent a much easier task. I mean, that's not a huge positive in fast and hard hitting single player, but you can annoy your friends and your enemies in multiplayer! In any case, using the Chikorita line is a bit of a slow boil, but you're past the worst of it.