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Saving lives? pfft, I need more firepower!
: Serve you in battle?
: In this way... We would continue to play together. On the same side. Very well.
: Command me, my friend. Together we shall lay low your enemies.
Giratina with Griseous orb! Very cool.
"Loves to Eat". There's something really funny about the idea of Suit just munching away on Lounge snacks the entire time he's running the lounge. Poltergeist is a Gen 8 move that only works on opposing Pokemon that are holding items; really strong move at 110 damage, but on top of needing an item to work, it also only has 90% accuracy. Interesting, but I feel like Shadow Force is far more useful.
The Lounge, of course, remains empty. That's the tradeoff for allying with Suit. In theory, I would now go use Suit to clobber all my foes, and not let the players sacrifice go to waste.
Unfortunately, I, in suit's words, "have an admirable understanding of Treachery".
: ...Ah. Fair enough, I suppose.
And now we have a cool Giratina card to play Shadow Cards with! This truly is the good ending.
...pfft, yeah right. I had you fooled though, didn't I?
What good is saving the world if there's nobody left to enjoy said world?
: Release the players? From the portrait cards? A most selfless request.
: If you are imagining a hero's welcome, I must disillusion you. Time does not pass for them within the paintings. They are unaware of their imprisonment. They will not thank you for saving them.
Suit's saying there will be no acknowledgement from them that you saved them; if you're expecting a reward for doing the right thing, you won't be getting it. Of course, as I already said: a world isn't worth saving if there's nobody to enjoy the saved world.
However, another option that's just as true: I want to keep playing Shadow Cards. It's kinda addicting!
: Keep playing?
: ...I never considered someone would play my game just for the... Enjoyment of it.
: I baited players with prizes. I created a luxurious lounge to draw them in, safe from the drowning rain.
: ... Thank you.
It's also the most wholesome choice
: I look forward to seeing your future games.
Making our way out of Suit's office, all the cards on the walls are gone (though I forgot to screenshot that), and everyone is back in the lounge. Suit told us none of them would know they were saved; let's talk to them though!
...Him? :
: I mean, beat her. Her.
: Lara, that's who I was talking about.
...Something tells me Suit wasn't being honest with "people wouldn't know that you saved them" stuff!
: ...Maybe that's why we get along okay. We both look human at a glance, but...
I can't tell whether this "..." being the default color is an error, or if that's meant to signify a pause between both of them.
: Hic. What was I talking about? ...Want to play some cards?
We have the option to challenge anyone in the lobby to cards, as usual. There's no new dialogue beyond your first chat with them after beating suit, but it's cool that they all acknowledge you!
: creation. Don't get your hopes up.
Minor typo here.
: Play me, and we'll seek the truth of the riddle.
I'm not gonna document all the cards this update, but I might include it in the bonus update where I show off what happens when you lose without enough money to gamble.
: I would bow to you, fair majesty, but I'm afraid I have a truly abyssal headache.
: Still, I can never resist a game... Perhaps one more wouldn't hurt.
Tenma, our first opponent after our tutorial with Suit. I'm still surprised I can remember these guys names off the top of my head.
: Its paws barely able to reach the cushions. Back legs fumbling up the sides.
Hey, you've said this before when we first met. Let me guess, you're gonna go "That's how it feels watching you guys play my favorite game; adorable but sad."
: That's how it feels, facing you again.
...Huh, or not.
: I feel nervous, awkward, fumbling for what I did wrong.
: It's incredible.
: Even if I beat you again and again, I'll never feel confident that next time won't be different. You're so fresh to the game. What are the limits of your talent?
The competitive spirit has awoken within Lara, it seems.
: I'm afire at the thought of the next tournament. I'll see you in the finals.
And yeah, we can still do tournaments. I'll get to that.
: You better help me practice EXTRA hard now! I'm still going to beat Lara, and you too! Get your deck, we're playing right?
Stream still wants to kick Lara's ass, nothing's changed here. Here's hoping she eventually pulls through!
: But not everyone knows the truth of me yet. I suppose I'll continue this little game. Shall we play?
There's something different about Archibald though now that we've beaten the tournament.
: Excellent. As a courtesy between friends I'll even give you a Metagross card if you win.
Before, Archibald only used his real deck during the high stakes con game. Now, he'll use it any time you challenge him, and give you rewards to match too. He still says "consider the wager my tutoring fee" if you lose though, despite there being no wager. And lose I do a bunch cause he's actually kind of tough! I'll be back for his reward cards later.
: In honor of your request, I am keeping the lounge open for all that wish to play.
Do the cool flash!
: ... Really?
(the screen flashes)
: I hope that was satisfactory. When you have a moment, I'd enjoy playing with you again.
I don't recall there being a reward for beating Suit casually, except maybe Blank Cards. You can play against him if you want though! You can choose any of his 3 phases of the fight to rematch at your leisure.
You can also get him to start another Tournament, which I'll be doing after I finish talking to everyone.
: I'm trying to be mad about it, but I just can't. I'm not going to give up playing though. You're the new Lara.
: Watch your back, cause there's a rockslide coming!
I still don't know if Micah is a rock pun or not.
: You totally won!
: You won the whole Mukking tournament!
: That's Wandereriffic!
: Okay Chad-riffic's way better than Wandereriffic, but still! Let's play a game, champ!
We did it for him.
: Let an old woman be bitter. I have an image to maintain.
: I know you saved us from... something. But it's clear I'm not supposed to know that.
: So, just once... Thank you.
Huh. You're welcome.
: Now the wicked old lady mask goes back on.
: ...You're still alive? Well that's my day ruined.
My theory is that Dolores knew exactly what winning the tournament meant, and tried to be a jerk to prevent people from falling into Suit's trap or to save herself from that outcome.
: The lady finally made captain! Well played dear lady, very well played indeed! I'd gladly serve on any ship you crewed through the savage straits of frozen teeth themselves! But I suppose you're here for a little game, eh?
...I don't have captain credentials. Are you sure you'd trust me not to sink any ship you gave me?
: I haven't seen such a stunning victory since I my days in Burning Forests of Ravishing Vale!
Charlotte you're drunk, you're making typos while talking in black text
: I stole the wicked princess' heart and finished my memoirs along the way!
I want to hear about your epic final battle with the evil windmill!
: Ah, but I can see you are still to young to hear the gory details of those escapades. Are you up for a sporting contest of Shadow cards?
: None of my theories predicted this outcome. I thought you were just another problem I could solve with enough analysis.
: It seems you're something deeper... Stranger. More wonderful. Are you still willing to play a game with me?
Firstly, I forgot to fight Ayaka before the tournament, so I got none of her good cards, but good cards she does have! Cosmoem, Deoxys, just overall good psychic cards! Secondly, another subtle consequence of choosing to save the players is that we still have access to Ayaka's evolution stone shop, something we lost access to in the timeline where we carded Suit. We still have access to the berry juice shop regardless of outcome though!
So I opted to do another tournament.
: Though I must deduct your entry fee of p10000.
I made it to the finals with Lara and lost against her, netting me a cool p13000! This is the real reward for saving everyone; for the first time, we have access to infinite money. No caps on betting like how other players stop betting against you eventually, we can just keep winning the tournament. Any TM in the shops is something we can just buy now, and we have no need to worry about keeping our mons topped up with berry juice. This is why I opted to do the tournament now, cause I was really starting to get low on cash and I don't want to risk fighting any of the non-Champion-Throne fights not topped up.
We also get a Blank Card for making it to the finals in the tournament, which means they still remain renewable in case we wanted to get a team of Shuckle or something to curbstomp the tournament.