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HP: 83 | ATK: 80 | DEF: 75 | SP.ATK: 70 | SP.DEF: 70 | SPD: 91 | TOTAL: 469
Pidgey analysis Pidgeotto analysis

Your basic birb is now fully evolved and it's... basic. You've got some Flying moves, some Normal moves and a limited amount of TMs for coverage that's basically Steel Wing and Mud Slap. Cool. As far as birds go, it doesn't learn Drill Peck, so it's not that great a bird, but it'll do just fine for most of the game. Its stats keep it up with everything else for the most part, so it'll do juuuuuuuust fine. At least it has a good amount of Speed to be somewhat effective and its higher than average HP gives it a bit more defense wise. But yeahhhhhh, that's it. Cooooool.